
Supporting You to get Rid of Fears and Beliefs that are Blocking You from Living the Life You DESIRE

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Learn to deal with stress and get rid of your fears


Control of your Emotions you can Live the Life you Desire

What do you think you need to master to remain calm in stressful situations?

To get rid of fears and beliefs that are blocking you from living the life you desire.

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I Help Stressed and Highly Sensitive People to Overcome Overwhelm, ease Overthinking and Lower Levels of Stress


Working with me will help you lower stress levels, gain some focus with calmer mind and gain clarity of who you are and what you want in your life.
I will teach you how to ease the overwhelm and stop constant overthinking in everyday situations.
You’ll be able to discover old limiting beliefs that are preventing you from living the life you want.
You’ll feel more relaxed and happier with your life



“from chaos to calm” PROGRAM

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I work with individuals that are having a hard time with stress etc…..

and I work closely with the HSP (highly sensitive person)

Read more about this here…


Coaching can help you see that.
Even though that it may feel hard to believe right now, especially with your overthinking mind and stressed body and soul. Stressed and highly sensitive people can demand a lot of themselves, but they also have dreams and plans of how their life should look. But it’s hard to connect with your intuition and desires when you feel stressed and overwhelmed and the only thing you think about is to hide from all this noise and chaos in the world.

I created the Chaotic to Calm program for stressed individuals and people with high sensitivity (HSP) who might not be aware of the condition, like I wasn’t not that long ago when I began working on my inner self. This program is aimed at sensitive people who are easily getting overwhelmed by overthinking, stress and all stimuli in their environment.

First, I will help you understand yourself and connect with yourself.

Then I will help you to let go and forgive others and yourself so that you can free your mind and learn how to not get attached to situations and comments in everyday life.



Hey my friends!

I used to be very stressed and overwhelmed with emotions. I was a shy child, with low self-esteem and lack of confidence. My life choices were based on what I was thinking about myself.

And unfortunately, I let myself to be treated with no respect for years as I was thinking about myself very low – despite my knowledge and experience I didn’t feel deserving and felt worthless.

I went through 18 months of counselling therapy which kind of help me to see the abuse that happened to me but what really changed my life was the Law of Attraction and my journey with Louise Hay.

Even though I had Bachelor of Arts in Communication I still didn’t feel good enough to work in the field to stay consistent in my actions I felt overwhelmed and stressed.

My breakthrough was my journey with Louise Hay affirmations. I’ve started studying Mindfulness, Life Coaching and other Self Development courses which lead me to my journey with life coaching.

I have to admit that I do love working and helping people with their struggles. I truly believe that everyone deserves to be living a happy and fulfilled life. And I want to help with my heart full of love and positivity.

If you are reading this and it’s resonating with you, I can help you to free yourself from old beliefs, hurtful emotions and fears that prevent you from living your life to the fullest.


Working with Veronica has been such a blessing for me. She is a very compassionate and positive human being. Her techniques were practical, simple to take on and yet profound. The more I practiced, more I understood how deeply this affected my mindset. She gives her time, full attention and never made me feel like I had to rush up. READ MORE..
Navya Prabhu
Veronica a is passionate about her work, very diligent; she doesn’t leave stone unturned in the process. I was lucky to work w her. She has a way about herself to make everything easier and smooth for the people she coaches. She breaks it down step by step, explains formulas in detail to gain understanding. Her coaching passion BEAMS from her heart!
Marta Palka
I recommend working with Ana from the bottom of my heart. She is very helpful for people who are looking for their own way. Ana supports you in finding happiness and fulfillment in life. Working with Ana will help build your confidence. You are wonderful Ana Veronica ❤
Bogusia Łagosz

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We are here to Help You overcome Stress, Low Self-worth and Everyday Challenges

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You can learn to let go of negative emotions and feel good about yourself
You can learn to perceive life in positive way, attract more good to live happy and fulfilled life